Booking is a popular online platform where you can find and book the right accommodation when you travel.
For every 10 USD spent, you get 3 Miles. Please read the rules before booking. Miles will be added to your account within 60 days from the checking out date.
How to earn miles?
1. Go to the Booking website from this page
2. Choose accommodation
3. Make a booking
We will not be able to grant miles if you:
- make a purchase in the Booking mobile app
- use the Adblock program
AirTransfer is a trusted and reliable transfer services provider in Azerbaijan. Hundreds of companies including travel agencies as well as individual customers confide in us.
For every 1 AZN spent, you get 1 Miles. Please read the booking policy before ordering. Miles will be credited to your account within 48 hours.
How to earn miles?
1. Go to the AirTransfer website from this page
2. Choose a transfer service
3. Place an order
We will not be able to earn miles if you:
- use the Adblock program
Rentalcars is the world's largest online car rental service with over 900 companies in over than 160 countries.
For every 10 EUR spent, you get 5 MİLES. Please read the booking policy before ordering. Miles will be credited to your account within 40 days.
How to earn miles?
1. Go to the Rentalcars website from this page
2. Select transport
3. Place an order
We will not be able to earn miles if you:
- make a purchase in the mobile application of the online resource.
- use the Adblock program
INSURE.AZ A power that insures you.
Now you can join Azal Club and get 1 Mile for each 3 AZN payment.
What dates are valid?
The campaign is valid until June 8, 2024 23:59.
Where is the campaign valid?
The campaign valid for purchases made at the INSURE.AZ.

For which services is the campaign valid?

The campaign is valid for travel insurance only.



How many times can I use the campaign?

You can use as much as you want.


Other terms of the campaign.

Miles will be credited to your account within 14 days after completion of your purchase.

Lounge Me - provides fast and easy access to hundreds of lounges all around the world.

For every 2 EUR spent, you get 1 Mile. Miles will be added to your account within 60 days from the checking out date.


Go to:


How to earn miles?

1. Enter your Azal Club registered phone number

2. Choose airport

3. Pick your lounge


We will not be able to grant miles if you:

- make a purchase in the Lounge Me mobile app

- use the Adblock program

Note: The offer is valid only for users who go through the Azal Club app or website.

Tudors Azerbaijan Simple, stylish and elegant.
Now you can join Azal Club and get 1 Mile for each 6 AZN payment.
What dates are valid?
The campaign is valid until April 4, 2024 23:59.
Where is the campaign valid?
The campaign is valid for payment made at the Tudors Azerbaijan.

For which services is the campaign valid?

Valid for all products.


How many times can I use the campaign?

You can use as much as you want.

Other terms of the campaign.

Miles will be credited to your account immediately upon completion of your payment.